Lyophilized cricket powder
Lyophilized cricket powder represents a healthy and tasty ingredient to include in food preparations. It is rich in protein (about 3 times the content of meat), calcium, iron, and vitamin B12 (a vitamin that is often lacking in vegetarian and vegan diets), while being low in fat and calories.
Thanks to a licensing agreement signed with the company Fair Insects B.V. (Protix), the sole license holder (Reg. 2022/188 of the European Commission), Nutrinsect is authorized to produce and market frozen, dried, and powdered Acheta Domesticus (house cricket) with the consent of Fair Insects B.V.
The licensing agreement acquired from Fair Insects B.V. (Protix) allows us to produce and sell our products—frozen, dried, and powdered Acheta Domesticus for food applications—with crickets raised exclusively in Italy.